Obama Foodorama: Cristeta Comerford's Global Culinary Diplomacy
America is a country that is rich in diversity, Comerford said, and that is reflected in the White House kitchen, where her team of chefs come from many backgrounds, which helps her create dazzling meals for the President and First Lady's honored .... US Combatant Commanders Dinner. US Combatant Commanders Dinner POTUS, FLOTUS Host Top Brass .... Japan: The Great Buddha & Green Tea Ice Cream. Japan: The Great Buddha & Green Tea Ice Cream President Revisits Childhood ...
Tres Fab Sweetie!: Faabulous Black Label Swimwear Line for 2eros
This blog contains the usual eclectic ramblings and interests of an openly gay, sober and clean, tattooed and pierced, vegetarian Buddhist, living in trendy Newtown in inner-city Sydney, Australia, with my boyfriend and a pet feline ... This personal blog contains images of the male form and at times nudity (no full frontal). If you have any objections to this or any other gay related content then go elsewhere. I claim no rights to photographs or some story content on ...
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